parallax background

Leading Manufacturer of Textured Vegetable Protein

Our Company

Development History

  • 2008

    We estabilished YueQing Baichuan to comprehensively layout the national market
  • 2009

    The pioneer of applying soya fiber protein to meat products
  • 2011

    Henan base was completed and put into production, ranking first in Asia in terms of scale
  • 2013

    Our processing technique of soya fiber protein was included in the National Spark Program
  • 2015

    We promote the large-scale application of soya fiber protein in the leisure food industry
  • 2017

    We responded to the return of Yueqing merchants and acquired 24 acres of land to build our new headquarters and intelligent factory
  • 2021

    We won the titlie of National Key Leading Enterprise in agricultural industrialization
  • 2023

    Our headquarters was completed and the first digital workshop within the whole industry for soya fiber protein was built
